We realize that not everyone is familiar with the way we worship God, so this brief introduction will give insight to our weekly services:
Family News & Opening Prayer: Our family greeting, announcements and prayer to God in order to begin our time of worship.
Praise in Song: The entire congregation is asked to join in praising God through various songs as we are led by the song leader. You are welcome to join in, or simply listen. Visitors often notice that we sing “acappella,” or voice only. We choose not to use instrumental accompaniment in order to reflect the kind of worship found in the New Testament church. We hope you find our simple worship engaging and encouraging. (Ephesians 5:15-21; Colossians 3:15-17)
Bible Reading: Following a few songs we have the reading of the Word of God. Normally this reading from the Bible is connected to the sermon. We ask everyone who is able, to stand as a sign of respect for the Word of God. (Nehemiah 8:5-8; 1 Timothy 4:13)
Opening Prayer: While we are still standing, following the reading from the Bible, we have a time of prayer.
Communion: Each week we celebrate communion with one another and the Lord. Men come to the front where someone will share some thoughts to help us focus on the meaning of the communion, lead us in prayer, and then pass trays containing “unleavened bread” or crackers. The bread symbolizes the body of Christ as He died upon the cross for everyone. All Christians are invited to break off a small piece of this bread and eat it as they think about the sacrifice Christ made for us. Next, small cups of grape juice are passed. This juice symbolizes the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross. We are encouraged to drink the juice as we reflect on how God loves us and was willing to offer His son on the cross for us. For convenience’s sake, everyone is welcome to place their empty cups back into the tray before passing it on to others. (Matthew 26:26-29; 1 Corinthians 11:23-32)
Giving: Because the communion servers are still together, it is convenient to pass the collection baskets immediately following the communion service. Christians give as a part of their trust in God, and visitors are not expected to give. In fact, visitors are asked to simply fill out a visitor card and place it in the collection basket as it is passed. The money collected is what the church entirely depends upon to provide for the building, the ministry staff, and all of its various services, ministries, missions and missionaries we support. (1 Corinthians 16:1-2; 2 Corinthians 8:1-5; 9:6-8)
Preaching: The preacher will deliver about a 20 – 30 minute sermon. Various Bible passages are used to help the listeners learn more about God, and how to focus their spiritual journey through life. We believe the Word of God is powerful and wise in directing our lives for the best possible way of life. (2 Timothy 3:14-17; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Peter 1:2-3)
Invitation: At the end of the sermon, life application is made. Listeners are encouraged to apply the passage to their lives. Some use this opportunity to make a change in their lives. Others come forward with a desire to be immersed in water and be added to Christ’s church, and some people ask for prayers for specific struggles. All requests are shared and prayed for. The elders of the church will come forward and sit with people who respond and lead a prayer for God to bless them and heal them. After the final prayer, everyone is encouraged to remain for a few minutes to visit and get to know each other a little better. (James 5:16; Acts 2:36-42)
Closing Prayer: We end each Sunday worship service with prayer requests. We realize worship can be difficult when we are struggling with burdens. Everyone is encouraged to share their request, so we can specifically ask God to intervene on their behalf. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-18; Luke 11:5-13)