We will be meeting for worship in our Parking lot this Sunday at 10:30 am just like we did last Sunday. We ask that you arrive between 10:00 and 10:15 so that we can get everyone parked safely and can start on time.
Tuesday night the brothers of the congregation met to discuss plans for dealing with the COVID 19 crisis and how we should proceed with our Services Schedule. First and foremost, we want to respect the wishes and orders of the government, be considerate of our neighbors, but at the same time meet the needs of our members and most importantly honor God. Several ideas and proposals were expressed during the meeting to include:
1. Streaming the service either over Facebook/YouTube,
2. Continuing to meet in the building but arrange our services is such a manner that would protect our members and meet the governments guidelines
3. Broadcasting our service over FM radio from our parking lot while all our members meet at the parking lot and remain in their vehicles dialed into the FM station listening and participating in our worship service
4. Holding a conference call through our phones with everyone on line.
Some of you have expressed an interest over streaming the service over Facebook/YouTube. Our biggest issue with that idea is we do not have the proper equipment to do it well, and we believe some our older members may not be familiar with this technology.
After discussing the various options, it was decided that we are going to hold services this Sunday in the parking lot. The congregation has acquired an FM transmitter that broadcasts over a short range. It was tested and found to work. Members will come in their car to the building and will remain in their cars. Song sheets, the bulletin, and a communion kit will be given to each car. We will sing, pray, listen to the sermon and take the Lord’s Supper together all the while keeping each other safe. The worship service will start at 10:30 am. There will be no Sunday School. We ask that people arrive between 10:00 am and 10:15 am so that we can start the service on time with little interruption. There will be brothers assigned to help people park appropriately.
We ask for your understanding and patience during this time. We know that there may be issues that we may have to address as we proceed. There is a chance that this will not work. We have heard of other congregations doing this with success. However, this is all new for us and we want to be sensitive to our congregation and meet as many needs as possible. If for some reason this does not work, we will meet in the building with everyone spreading out in both the main auditorium and the Fellowship Hall. As always we welcome you input and suggestions.
October Potluck
Our October potluck will be on October 20th after morning worship. Be sure to join us for good food and fellowship!
Spaghetti Dinner
Join us for a spaghetti dinner Wednesday, November 20 in the Fellowship Hall from 5:30 – 6:30. Everyone is invited!
Game Night!
Come on out every first Friday of the Month at 6:30 p.m. for a fun night of fellowship and games! Bring your favorite game along, and a finger food to share. Or just bring yourself and we’ll have a great time together.