Our November potluck will be on November 17th after morning worship. Be sure to join us for good food and fellowship!
October Potluck
Our October potluck will be on October 23rd after morning worship. Be sure to join us for good food and fellowship!
Senior Center Singing
The youth group will be singing at the Senior Center on Saturday, April 9th at 11:00 a.m. Kids (and adults) should meet at the church building at 10 a.m. to run through this month’s program before we head to the Senior Center.
December Newsletter
Our December 2015 newsletter has been printed, and was passed out at worship on November 29th. If you didn’t receive one, check with Nancy Ruby, or CLICK HERE to read it online. Be sure to check the calendar for special dates and upcoming events. And as always, special thanks to Nancy for diligently putting together all the articles and information for our newsletters each month.
Thanksgiving Potluck
Our congregation has been SO richly blessed. To celebrate all the great things God has done for our congregation, we will have a special Thanksgiving Potluck meal on Sunday November 15th. Be sure to sign up to bring your favorite Thanksgiving dish to share with your Christian family. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the foyer of the building. By indicating what you will bring, you will help us ensure we have all the food items for a traditional thanksgiving feast. Please plan to join us in this joyful celebration of thankfulness. If you have any questions, please see Charlene or Nancy.